These are the Easter art projects that my kids made this week. They work so hard and always want to do more activities like this. They feel proud of themselves when they accomplish something that they are into. I took a lot of pictures so that I ca email it to the parents who are interested to see their children art activities or what we did for the week. Some parents appreciate their kid’s hard work by phrasing them and taking their art at home and putting it up on the wall of their house but some parents don’t.
One time I saw this mom checking her child’s art folder in my classroom. She took it out from the folder looked at it and throw it in the garbage and the kid saw what her mom did to her art project of course she asked why then the mom answered, we don’t have room in our house to put your art. The kid didn’t say a word. What kind of mom is that. I think she doesn’t appreciate or support her child interest. It’s so sad to a child to have a parent like that.
pity for the kid no, parent should appreciate og unsay interest sa bata. hay ako kaha ani puhon ya. but i will look up to people who already know what's their best for their kids and learn by them as an example. u will be one of them jud.
They are only a kid they need somebody to support them, one of them are the parents. Not all parents are good example. It's hard being a parents lots of responsibility
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