Sunday, March 16, 2008

How We Spend Our Sunday

Today we did our Sunday morning routine. Wake up so early but stayed in bed playing with AJ. At 10:00 I took a shower dressed myself up and I dressed AJ up. We watched tv while hubby was getting ready. Then the three of us were ready, and we went to Denny’s for brunch. I always get my usual dish Buffalo wings with hot sauce on the side and hubby tried a new dish he ordered steak with eggs. The place was packed as always especially on Sunday people mostly come after church. Speaking of church, we should start going to church it’s been a long time since I attended a mass. Anyway, we came home after lunch just chilling in the house. AJ was so fussy since we got home, he wants to be held all the time and I can’t hold him all the time my arms were aching. I was mad at Joe because he didn’t help me taking care of AJ. Then at 4:00 p.m. we decided to go to target to cool down and to get AJ’s bouncer. We came back home and hubby started cooking dinner and I was doing laundry. He cooked spaghetti and garlic bread. We ate the dinner with red wine, how fancy is that? That’s how we spent our Sunday.

1 comment:

Lee Chien said...

hey, thanks for visiting my blog, i've added your link too.. :D