Last night I was planning to wake up early on Saturday morning which is this morning so that we can go to my friend Angie for her son’s christening before going to Nathan’s b-day, so much for the plan we ended up not going to Angie. We did wake up early because AJ woke up so early and I got lazy to get up to take a shower. We just stayed in bed and played for a couple hours. I took a shower and got ready around 11:00 while hubby was playing with AJ. Then, I gave AJ a bath dressed him up. At 1:00 we took off on the way to Nathan’s b-day. Before I started my car, I got a phone call from Myrabell asking the address of the place where they celebrate the party.
AJ and I were the first visitors too arrived. It was a little embarrassing but oh well, I guess we were on time. I didn’t know who arrive next I lost track , I think they came at the same time. All of my other groups of friends came and I met new friends. The table was full of a variety dish, and they were Filipino and Mexican food. Then we started eating, we ate and ate and at the same time talked and talked nonstop of talking. Some of the ladies went home early because they have some obligation to do.
They even hired a lady clown for kids to have a face paint. All of the kids had their face painted different kind of picture, they were butterfly’s spider webs, flowers and much more, even myrabell painted her face flowers. And also, the kids had fun beating the pinata apart and lots of candy scattered when it broke. All the kids were crazy picking up the candies on the ground as well as the adult, even me with AJ on my arms imagine that. As for AJ, he did a good job entertaining his titas ( Filipina Friends ) when he wasn’t sleeping. We got home at 5:30 with a full tummy and a bag of candy. It was a good party and it was nice to see my other friends. Thank you Richard and Joy for the fun party. I had fun and Im sure AJ too.
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