Monday, April 14, 2008

AJ got Lock In

So many times we heard of babies being left in a car some are on purposed and some are on an accident. I believe that accidents do not happen but are caused. This is something that I never want to happen to me. Im always aware of my AJ being alone in the car even if it is only 5 minutes. I am more comfortable taking him with me whereever I go.

On Saturday afternoon after the b-day party I was loading some stuff in my car I put AJ in last and shut the door. As alway, I put my purse in the car with my cell phone and car keys on it. I assume that all doors are unlock but when I open the driver door it was lock and I tried all doors but it was all locked just then my mind started to think about horrible things would happen to my AJ. I was so horrified and thank good I saw Sally and Judith with Reyn were about to drive by. I waved them right away to stop then they stopped. I told them what happened. I borrowed Judith cell phones and called hubby who happened to be at home I was telling him that it was an emergency. Luckily, we lived 3 stops ligth away from the Rose Garden where the party was held I was standing in front of my car watching AJ inside the car wondering around while waiting for hubby to come. Finally he came and opened the car. I checked AJ as soon as the car opened he was ok and unharmed.

I though hubby will get mad at me but he understands that it was an accident. He just told me and asked me who to call next time when it happens again whe he is not close by. Of course I have to call 911. It was a lesson I learned the hard way. From now on I have to be careful and hope it will never happen again. Thank you very much to Judith Reyn and ate Sally for staying.



Glad AJ is fine and there are friends around to accompany you. kahadlok ato ya oi og wala kay then it will take time ba to open the door. kuyaw kaayo for the bb AJ. thank GOd he is fine and you too.

Anonymous said...

hello, oi..kalouy sad sa gwapo na lock sa car.. pero at least ok rman kha sya lyn...take care

Joy said...

thanks God na the car is in the shade-knowing that day is pretty hot